朗僑奶茶 Long Kiu Milk Tea
Diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2, 朗僑 and his father started a milk tea shop to promote the integration of neurodiverse individuals into the Hong Kong society. Long Kiu hopes for more people to accept all people with Autism. If you would like to order Milk Tea, please click the button below to place your order and leave your contact information and a representative will respond to you as soon as possible.

Zoe Can Clay
Zoe Can Clay is a small online shop established by Zoe and family aimed to help Zoe be more self-sufficient and to spread the message that neurodivergents can also succeed. Her family hopes to empower Zoe to start her own business using her skills and confidence. They also hope to inspire other neurodivergent individuals that they are valuable members of society. Their shop donates 10% of all proceeds to charity, specifically to the Lok Chi Association, in hopes of supporting other individuals with disabilities in society. If you are interested in placing an order or learning more, please visit @zoecanclay on instagram.